
Podcast, online resources, self-help groups and research about stuttering in Mandarin and English.

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Online self-help groups

In self-help groups, we encourage PWS and parents to share their stuttering experiences. The benefits of participating in a self-help group include:

StammerTalk currently host two online self-help groups:

  1. Biweekly Mandarin-English self-help online meeting
    • Host: Jia Bin, Michigan State University, U.S. PhD student in Communication Sciences & Disorders (CSD), World Stuttering Network (WSN) board member.
    • Contact: hibinjia (wechat)
  2. Empowered connections, support group for females who stutter
    • Host: Dr. Ran An, University of Scranton, U.S. Assistant professor in CSD.
    • Contact: arphilippians419 (wechat)